March 04, 2023

Casten Statement on Oath Keeper-Led IL Sheriff’s Event 

Downers Grove, IL — Today, U.S. Congressman Sean Casten (IL-06) released the following statement regarding the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association event to support Illinois Sheriffs who refuse to enforce the state's assault weapons ban. The meeting featured former Arizona Sheriff Richard Mack, who served on the board of the Oath Keepers, a far-right organization whose leaders have been convicted of violently opposing the US government. 

“Public safety is a two-way street,” said Rep. Sean Casten. “It depends on law enforcement to enforce the law, but also depends on public confidence that those laws will be enforced without prejudice, and not subject to the whims of a particular officer. When a sheriff refuses toimplement the laws of Illinois in their community, they make future mass shootings more likely. They compromise the safety not only of civilians but also of the police officers who may end up in the line of fire. 

“To invite a known Oath Keeper – an organization that took a leading role in attempting to overthrow the United States government during the January 6th Attack on the US Capitol – to discuss strategies for how to best ignore the laws of Illinois not only shows a complete disregard for American democracy, but also actively endangers the communities the sheriffs are sworn to protect. 

 “The Illinois General Assembly passed a law to ban the sale of the assault weapons and high-capacity magazines that made the Parkland, Dekalb, and Highland Park shootings so deadly. That is the law in the state of Illinois, and no one should have to guess whether that law will or will not be enforced based on the county they are in. The actions of any sheriff refusing to enforce the law are unacceptable and we must hold them accountable.”


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